
The Fundamentals of Vehicle Tracking

Vehicle tracking system employs the use of an electronic device fixed inside a vehicle to enable someone to pin point the position of that vehicle. Modern VTSs make use of Global Positioning System to give an exact location of a vehicle. Some vehicle tracking systems come with added features of satellite and cellular transmitters to give out the position of the vehicle to a third person. All information received can be then viewed in the form of electronic maps through the internet.There are some basics to vehicle tracking. Let's take a look.What is Active and Passive Tracking? "Active" and "passive" refers to the kind of devices that are used for tracking. While passive devices store heading, speed and location of the vehicle plus particular events such as door open/close and key on/off, active devices collect all this information Iphone 4s Repair Parts and transmit it through cellular networks to a computer for a detailed scrutiny.Since cellular networks are not credible, some modern devices come air swimmers equipped with both kinds of tracking mechanisms. Thus, until the network is available, data can be stored on the internal memory and can be transmitted later.Common ApplicationsThese tracking systems are effectively employed in fleet management activities, where a fleet operator may have to carry out various tasks such as dispatch and routing. It can also be used for keeping an eye on driving behavior, for example a parent who wants to keep an eye on the driving behavior of his teenager.Vehicle tracking is a method successfully used by the police to track and recover stolen vehicles. All they need to do is to track the signal by the tracking system. Vehicle tracking systems are fast making cars alarms obsolete and are also installed regularly by new owners to reduce cost of insurance cover for their vehicles.Some modern tracking systems can also send an alert to the owners' mobile phone if moved without authorization.Other ScenariosApart from stolen vehicle recovery and fleet management, Vehicle tracking is a method successfully applied in the fields of:Asset Tracking where companies need to look over valuable assets for purposes like insurance. Field Management where companies sometimes quickly need to point the location of their field engineers in order to send the closest one to entertain a new customer.Field Sales where sales executives can keep track of the customers as well as their own location get directions and meet up with more customers. This ensures increased productivity and less driving time.Before you buy a vehicle tracking system, go and research for it over the internet. For many systems, there are additional charges for services in addition to the cost of the equipment. Check if the system will be operational in other countries as well. Tracking Systems may come costly so buy exactly what you want. This way you won't end up paying for useless features.

